Texas A&m Forest Service Loop, 75904 Hudson: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 31.31404 / longitude: -94.83125
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Texas A&m Forest Service Loop, in the surrounding area

Transports around Texas A&m Forest Service Loop

Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Polk Chevron") is only 2 minutes’ drive away.

Entertainment in Hudson

As far as catering and entertainment is concerned, you will find: a restaurant ("Dairy Queen" at 8 minutes with your car), a bar/cafe ("Java Jacks" at 9 minutes with your car), an ice cream vendor ("Farmhouse Frozen Yogurt" at 9 minutes by car).


For any medical needs, you can find in the surroundings: a hospital ("DaVita Dialysis" at 8 minutes with your car), a doctor ("Dr. Cherry" at 9 minutes by car), a pharmacy ("Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy" at 8 minutes with your car), a dentist ("Fred D Griffin DDS" at 10 minutes by car).


Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Lufkin Masonic Lodge" at 8 minutes by car.


The nearest school is called "Hudson School" and is 5 minutes' walk away.

Daily life

For the everyday needs, you will find in the surroundings: a park ("Gulf Park" at 11 minutes with your car), sport ("Pine Valley Raceway" at 10 minutes by car), a hotel ("Angelina Motel" at 12 minutes with your car), a fire station ("Fire Station #4" at 13 minutes with your car), a bank and/or an ATM ("Regions Bank" at 8 minutes with your car), a post office ("United States Post Office" at 8 minutes by car).


You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Lucky's" (5 minutes by car). You can find do your purchases in this nearby butcher: "The Choice Cut" (9 minutes by car). There is a bakery in the area: "Farmhouse Bakery" (9 minutes by car).

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 4 Sport places
  • 6 Supermarkets
  • 1 Bar/cafe
  • 4 Hotels
  • 1 Fire station
  • 4 Pharmacies
  • 3 Tourism places
  • 5 Parks
  • 14 Restaurants
  • 1 Bakery
  • 12 Schools
  • 1 Butcher
  • 9 Gas stations
  • 1 Post office
  • 3 Doctors
  • 4 Banks and/or ATMs
  • 11 Hospitals
  • 1 Ice cream vendor
  • 3 Dentists

Closest areas



  • Hudson School
    43 seconds


  • Polk Chevron
    1 minute and 57 seconds


  • Lucky's
    5 minutes
  • The Choice Cut
    9 minutes
  • Farmhouse Bakery
    9 minutes


  • Dairy Queen
    8 minutes
  • Java Jacks
    9 minutes
  • Farmhouse Frozen Yogurt
    9 minutes

Daily life

  • Gulf Park
    11 minutes
  • Pine Valley Raceway
    10 minutes
  • Angelina Motel
    12 minutes
  • Fire Station #4
    13 minutes
  • Regions Bank
    8 minutes
  • United States Post Office
    8 minutes


  • DaVita Dialysis
    8 minutes
  • Dr. Cherry
    9 minutes
  • Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy
    8 minutes
  • Fred D Griffin DDS
    10 minutes


  • Lufkin Masonic Lodge
    8 minutes


  • Hudson School
    1 minute and 37 seconds


  • Hudson School
    5 minutes

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