You can find 1 bars/cafes locally like "Baltimore Coffee and Tea Company" In term of restaurants you can find 3 location in the region (like "Fiero Mexican Grill", "Subway", "Bon Fresco").
You can find 1 train stations locally like "Savage" In term of motorway entrances you can find 9 places (like "MD 32", ""). For gas stations you have 1 places with "7-Eleven" for example. The area offers 1 spots in the "parkings" category. For charging stations you have 5 locations.
As "7-Eleven", 1 supermarkets exist in the area.
The major streets are the following: National Business Parkway, Sentinel Way, Technology Drive, Sentinel Drive, Dorsey Run Road.
In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 1 places (like "Tower Federal Credit Union"). About post offices, 1 possibilities exist (like "United States Post Office"). For hotels you have 1 locations.
Are you looking for an apartment for sale/rent? Or interested by a house? You can check that on Zillow.
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