Main Street, Ansonville: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 35.10616 / longitude: -80.10796
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In the surrounding area

Shopping around Main Street

There is a supermarket nearby: "Express Lane" (4 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car).

Daily life in Ansonville

For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a park ("Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge" at 10 minutes by car), a fire station ("Ansonville Fire & Rescue" at 1 minute by foot).


You can find a convienient school: "Ansonville School", 8 minutes away by foot.

Nearby cities

It takes about 58 minutes to reach Concord with your car.


Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Ansonville Historical Society Museum" at 1 minute with your car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Fire station
  • 1 Tourism place
  • 2 Supermarkets
  • 2 Schools
  • 8 Parks

Closest areas



  • Ansonville School
    1 minute and 10 seconds


  • Express Lane
    28 seconds

Daily life

  • Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge
    10 minutes
  • Ansonville Fire & Rescue
    0 seconds


  • Ansonville Historical Society Museum
    11 seconds


  • Ansonville School
    2 minutes and 19 seconds


  • Express Lane
    1 minute and 12 seconds

Daily life

  • Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge
    22 minutes
  • Ansonville Fire & Rescue
    0 seconds


  • Ansonville Historical Society Museum
    25 seconds


  • Ansonville School
    8 minutes


  • Express Lane
    4 minutes

Daily life

  • Ansonville Fire & Rescue
    0 seconds


  • Ansonville Historical Society Museum
    1 minute and 32 seconds

Street numbers

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