State Route 839, 16222 Dayton: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 40.81826 / longitude: -79.24477
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In the surrounding area

Transports around State Route 839

Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Nelson's Mini Mart") is only 1 minute’ drive away.

Shopping in Dayton

You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Damaio's Supermarket" (16 minutes by bike or 5 minutes by car).


You can find a close school: "West Shamokin Jr/Sr High School", in fewer than 5 minutes by car.

Daily life

For the everyday needs, you will find in the surroundings: a fire station ("Plumville District Volunteer Fire Dept" at 11 minutes by car), a bank and/or an ATM ("Elderton State Bank" at 7 minutes with your car), sport ("White Oak Golf Course" at 14 minutes with a bike), a park ("Fairground" at 8 minutes by car).


As far as catering and entertainment is concerned, you will find: a restaurant ("Black Bull Saloon" at 12 minutes with a bike).

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Bank and/or ATM
  • 1 Fire station
  • 9 Schools
  • 2 Parks
  • 4 Restaurants
  • 1 Gas station
  • 5 Supermarkets
  • 1 Sport place

Closest areas



  • West Shamokin Jr/Sr High School
    5 minutes


  • Nelson's Mini Mart
    0 seconds


  • Damaio's Supermarket
    5 minutes


  • Black Bull Saloon
    3 minutes

Daily life

  • Plumville District Volunteer Fire Dept
    11 minutes
  • Elderton State Bank
    7 minutes
  • White Oak Golf Course
    5 minutes
  • Fairground
    8 minutes


  • West Shamokin Jr/Sr High School
    13 minutes


  • Damaio's Supermarket
    16 minutes


  • Black Bull Saloon
    12 minutes

Daily life

  • White Oak Golf Course
    14 minutes

Street numbers

Are you looking for an apartment for sale/rent? Or interested by a house? You can check that on Zillow.