Main Street, 70778 Sorrento: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 30.17898 / longitude: -90.86514
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In the surrounding area

Medical around Main Street

For any medical needs, you can find in the surroundings: a hospital ("Ascension Hospital" at 9 minutes by car).

Nearby cities in Sorrento

It takes about 58 minutes to reach New Orleans with your car. In 30 minutes you can reach Baton Rouge. It takes about 53 minutes to reach Metairie Terrace with your car. In 53 minutes you can reach Metairie.


Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Shell") is only 8 minutes’ drive away. Do you have an electric car or plan to have one? The nearest charging station ("GONZALES TANGER EV 2") is only 9 minutes’ drive away. You only need 13 minutes to reach the motorway I 10.


Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Houmas House" at 9 minutes by car.


There is a supermarket nearby: "Walmart Supercenter" (9 minutes by car).

Daily life

For the everyday needs, you will find in the surroundings: a hotel ("Cajun Country Inn" at 9 minutes by car), a park ("Physically Challenged Wheelchair Confined Deer Hunting Area" at 13 minutes with your car), sport ("Spartan Stadium" at 10 minutes by car), a post office ("Brittany Post Office" at 18 minutes away by bike), a town hall ("Gonzales City Hall" at 9 minutes with your car), a police station ("Sorrento Police Department" at 16 minutes walk), a fire station ("Sorrento Volunteer Fire Department Station 20" at 18 minutes by foot).


River Parishes Community College is the most convieniently located school: just 5 minutes away by bike. The closest playground is named "Kidz Kove" and is 10 minutes' away by car.


Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: a cinema ("Malco Gonzales Cinema" at 10 minutes with your car), a restaurant ("Whataburger" at 10 minutes by car), a bar/cafe ("Starbucks" at 9 minutes with your car).

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 15 Parks
  • 1 Bar/cafe
  • 4 Police stations
  • 1 Town hall
  • 1 Cinema
  • 3 Gas stations
  • 5 Tourism places
  • 1 Sport place
  • 10 Hotels
  • 1 Playground
  • 4 Post offices
  • 2 Supermarkets
  • 3 Hospitals
  • 16 Motorway entrances
  • 7 Fire stations
  • 1 Charging station
  • 17 Schools
  • 17 Restaurants

Closest areas



  • River Parishes Community College
    2 minutes and 26 seconds
  • Kidz Kove
    10 minutes


  • I 10
    13 minutes
    9 minutes
  • Shell
    8 minutes


  • Walmart Supercenter
    9 minutes


  • Malco Gonzales Cinema
    10 minutes
  • Whataburger
    10 minutes
  • Starbucks
    9 minutes

Daily life

  • Cajun Country Inn
    9 minutes
  • Physically Challenged Wheelchair Confined Deer Hunting Area
    13 minutes
  • Spartan Stadium
    10 minutes
  • Brittany Post Office
    6 minutes
  • Gonzales City Hall
    9 minutes
  • Sorrento Police Department
    2 minutes and 41 seconds
  • Sorrento Volunteer Fire Department Station 20
    2 minutes and 33 seconds


  • Ascension Hospital
    9 minutes


  • Houmas House
    9 minutes


  • River Parishes Community College
    5 minutes

Daily life

  • Brittany Post Office
    18 minutes
  • Sorrento Police Department
    4 minutes
  • Sorrento Volunteer Fire Department Station 20
    5 minutes


  • River Parishes Community College
    13 minutes

Daily life

  • Sorrento Police Department
    16 minutes
  • Sorrento Volunteer Fire Department Station 20
    18 minutes

Street numbers

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