Black Horse Pike, 08330 Folsom: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 39.56914 / longitude: -74.82119
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In the surrounding area

Shopping around Black Horse Pike

You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Pantry 1" (7 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car).

Transports in Folsom

The nearest airport is Atlantic City International and is reachable by car in 26 minutes. In fewer than 9 minutes, by car, you can be at "Hammonton" train station. The motorway ACE can be reached in 6 minutes. You need to refuel you car? The nearest gas station ("Farley Service Plaza") is just 13 minutes away by car. Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("Elwood, NJ - Tesla Supercharger") is just 14 minutes away by car.


The area offers multiple medical services: a pharmacy ("Bellevue Drug Company" at 8 minutes with your car), a hospital ("AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center" at 11 minutes by car), a doctor ("Associated Cardiovascular" at 10 minutes with your car).

Daily life

For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a police station ("Atlantic City Expressway Station" at 14 minutes by car), a park ("Dimatteo Vineyards" at 13 minutes away by bike), a post office ("United States Postal Service" at 9 minutes by car), a fire station ("Folsom Volunteer Fire Company" at 4 minutes with your car), a hotel ("Pine Crest Motel" at 1 minute by foot), sport ("Frog Rock Golf and Country Club" at 12 minutes by car), a bank and/or an ATM ("Wells Fargo" at 8 minutes with your car).


The surroundings offer tourist interests: "Platinum Playground" at 1 minute with your car.

Nearby cities

It takes about 41 minutes to reach Cherry Hill with your car. In just 22 minutes by car you can reach Vineland. Only 24 minutes are needed to reach South Vineland with your car. In just 26 minutes by car you can reach Jackson.


Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: a restaurant ("Pine Crest Restaurant" at 1 minute with a bike), a bar/cafe ("Bellevue Bagel Cafe" at 8 minutes by car).


Folsom Elementary School is the most convieniently located school: just 16 minutes away by bike. You can find a close playground: "Joey Reiser Playground", in fewer than 7 minutes by car. The closest university is named "Kramer Hall" and is 8 minutes' away by car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Doctor
  • 2 Hotels
  • 1 Bar/cafe
  • 3 Charging stations
  • 14 Restaurants
  • 2 Pharmacies
  • 8 Fire stations
  • 1 University
  • 8 Parks
  • 1 Police station
  • 1 Post office
  • 6 Supermarkets
  • 5 Tourism places
  • 6 Motorway entrances
  • 18 Schools
  • 1 Hospital
  • 3 Sport places
  • 3 Gas stations
  • 1 Train station
  • 3 Banks and/or ATMs
  • 1 Playground

Closest areas



  • Folsom Elementary School
    5 minutes
  • Kramer Hall
    8 minutes
  • Joey Reiser Playground
    7 minutes


  • Hammonton
    9 minutes
  • Atlantic City International
    26 minutes
  • ACE
    6 minutes
  • Elwood, NJ - Tesla Supercharger
    14 minutes
  • Farley Service Plaza
    13 minutes


  • Pantry 1
    40 seconds


  • Pine Crest Restaurant
    0 seconds
  • Bellevue Bagel Cafe
    8 minutes

Daily life

  • Atlantic City Expressway Station
    14 minutes
  • Dimatteo Vineyards
    5 minutes
  • United States Postal Service
    9 minutes
  • Folsom Volunteer Fire Company
    4 minutes
  • Pine Crest Motel
    12 seconds
  • Frog Rock Golf and Country Club
    12 minutes
  • Wells Fargo
    8 minutes


  • Bellevue Drug Company
    8 minutes
  • AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center
    11 minutes
  • Associated Cardiovascular
    10 minutes


  • Platinum Playground
    26 seconds


  • Folsom Elementary School
    16 minutes


  • Pantry 1
    2 minutes and 7 seconds


  • Pine Crest Restaurant
    0 seconds

Daily life

  • Dimatteo Vineyards
    13 minutes
  • Folsom Volunteer Fire Company
    14 minutes
  • Pine Crest Motel
    17 seconds


  • Platinum Playground
    1 minute and 39 seconds


  • Pantry 1
    7 minutes


  • Pine Crest Restaurant
    0 seconds

Daily life

  • Pine Crest Motel
    49 seconds


  • Platinum Playground
    6 minutes

Street numbers

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