Pleasant Mills Road, Mullica Township: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 39.6235 / longitude: -74.64432
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In the surrounding area

Education around Pleasant Mills Road

You can find a close school: "Green Bank Elementary School", in fewer than 10 minutes by car.

Tourism in Mullica Township

The surroundings offer tourist interests: "Wharton Mansion" at 15 minutes with a bike.


For entertainment or catering you can find the following services in the area: a bar/cafe ("Lower Bank Tavern" at 13 minutes with your car).


For holidays or business, you can reach Atlantic City International in fewer than 32 minutes by car. Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("NJDEP STATEPARK BATSTO VC PS2") is just 7 minutes away by car.

Daily life

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a hotel ("Tuscany House Hotel at Renault Winery" at 16 minutes by car), a fire station ("Sweetwater Volunteer Fire Company Station 163" at 1 minute by foot), a park ("DiMeo Blueberry Farms & Blueberry Plants Nursery" at 9 minutes by car), sport ("Vineyard Golf at Renault Winery" at 1 minute by car).

Nearby cities

Cherry Hill is 51 minutes away by car. It takes about 40 minutes to reach Vineland with your car. In 43 minutes you can reach South Vineland. Jackson is 32 minutes away by car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Sport place
  • 3 Parks
  • 7 Schools
  • 3 Charging stations
  • 1 Hotel
  • 3 Tourism places
  • 6 Fire stations

Closest areas



  • Green Bank Elementary School
    10 minutes


  • Atlantic City International
    32 minutes
    7 minutes


  • Lower Bank Tavern
    13 minutes

Daily life

  • Tuscany House Hotel at Renault Winery
    16 minutes
  • Sweetwater Volunteer Fire Company Station 163
    0 seconds
  • DiMeo Blueberry Farms & Blueberry Plants Nursery
    9 minutes
  • Vineyard Golf at Renault Winery
    0 seconds


  • Wharton Mansion
    5 minutes

Daily life

  • Sweetwater Volunteer Fire Company Station 163
    0 seconds


  • Wharton Mansion
    15 minutes

Daily life

  • Sweetwater Volunteer Fire Company Station 163
    0 seconds

Street numbers

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