As "Sealy Dental Center", "Sealy Orthodontics", 3 dentists exist in the area. In term of pharmacies you can find 2 location in the region (like "Walgreens", "CVS Pharmacy"). In term of hospitals you can find 2 places (like "Sealy Family Practice Clinic", "Sealy Emergency Room").
For schools you have 4 locations.
These are the principal streets: Meyer Street, Acres Lane, Gebhardt Road, Mixville Rd., Interstate 10 Frontage Rd.
In term of sport places you can find 7 places (like "Sealy Baseball", "Sealy HS Football", "Driving Range"). For police stations you have 4 places with "San Felipe Police Department", "Sealy Police Department" for example. About hotels, 3 possibilities exist (like "Holiday Inn Express & Suites", "Countryside Inn", "American Inn"). The area offers 2 spots in the "post offices" category. For parks you have 4 locations. You can find 2 banks and/or ATMs locally like "Citizens State Bank", "Capital One" In term of fire stations you can find 3 location in the region (like "San Felipe - Frydek Volunteer Fire Department", "Volunteer Fire Dept").
For restaurants you have 15 locations.
For tourism places you have 9 places with "Museum", "San Felipe de Austin", "YBR" for example.
About supermarkets, 6 possibilities exist (like "Dollar General", "Valero", "Bill's Grocery").
In term of gas stations you can find 8 places (like "Exxon", "Murphy USA"). For motorway entrances you have 23 places with "I 10;US 90", "I 10" for example. About parkings, 1 possibilities exist (like "Truck Parking").
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