N. Marilyn Drive, 83204 Pocatello: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 42.77363 / longitude: -112.40951
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N. Marilyn Drive, in the surrounding area

Nearby cities around N. Marilyn Drive

Pocatello is only 19 minutes away by car.

Tourism in Pocatello

The tourist offer of the surroundings is composed as follows: "Zoo Idaho" at 16 minutes by car.


For your purchases at the butcher, you have: "Butcher Block Meats" (16 minutes by car).


For entertainment or catering you can find the following services in the area: a bar/cafe ("Xeus & Apollo's" at 16 minutes with your car), a restaurant ("Taco Bell" at 17 minutes by car).


You can find a close university: "Law Enforcement (LAW)", in fewer than 18 minutes by car. Century High School is the most convieniently located school: just 34 minutes away by bike.


Do you have an electric car or plan to have one? The nearest charging station ("Idaho State University - Student Union") is only 17 minutes’ drive away. For holidays or business, you can reach Pocatello Regional Airport in fewer than 30 minutes by car. Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Common Cents") is only 14 minutes’ drive away. The motorway I 15;US 30;US 91 can be reached in 12 minutes.

Daily life

For your daily needs, you can find in the area: sport ("Indian Hills Soccer Complex" at 10 minutes by car), a park ("Cherry Springs Nature Area" at 17 minutes away by bike).

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Butcher
  • 5 Restaurants
  • 19 Parks
  • 8 Motorway entrances
  • 2 Charging stations
  • 2 Universities
  • 5 Sport places
  • 4 Tourism places
  • 2 Bars/cafes
  • 5 Schools
  • 3 Gas stations

Closest areas



  • Century High School
    13 minutes
  • Law Enforcement (LAW)
    18 minutes


  • Pocatello Regional Airport
    30 minutes
  • I 15;US 30;US 91
    12 minutes
  • Idaho State University - Student Union
    17 minutes
  • Common Cents
    14 minutes


  • Butcher Block Meats
    16 minutes


  • Xeus & Apollo's
    16 minutes
  • Taco Bell
    17 minutes

Daily life

  • Indian Hills Soccer Complex
    10 minutes
  • Cherry Springs Nature Area
    8 minutes


  • Zoo Idaho
    16 minutes


  • Century High School
    34 minutes

Daily life

  • Cherry Springs Nature Area
    17 minutes

Street numbers

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