If you are looking for a school, "Sturgis Charter Public School" it is 26 minutes away by foot. If you are looking for a playground, "Centerville Playground" it is 7 minutes away by car.
Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Hyannis Port Beach" at 19 minutes walk.
For your food shopping, you have: "Star Market" (11 minutes by bike or 5 minutes by car).
For entertainment or catering you can find the following services in the area: an ice cream vendor ("katies homemade icecream" at 18 minutes with a bike), a bar/cafe ("Jack's Lounge" at 33 minutes by foot), a cinema ("Regal Cape Cod Mall" at 20 minutes away by bike), a restaurant ("Craigville Pizza and Mexican" at 10 minutes with a bike).
For the medical needs, you will find in the area: a hospital ("South Shore Sleep Diagnostics" at 6 minutes with your car), a pharmacy ("Rite Aid" at 10 minutes away by bike), a veterinarian ("Osterville Veterinary Clinic" at 12 minutes by car).
The nearest airport is Barnstable Muni Boardman Polando Fld and is reachable by car in 13 minutes. Do you need a parking? There is "Eunice Kennedy Shriver Ocean Park" at 14 minutes away by bike. Do you have an electric car or plan to have one? The nearest charging station ("Hyannis Main Street") is only 4 minutes’ drive away. The nearest train station is "Hyannis": reachable in 6 minutes by car. You need to refuel you car? The nearest gas station ("Sav-On") is just 4 minutes away by car. Thanks to the "Major Companies" station, you can rent a car when you need one, in fewer than 21 minutes with your bike. The US 6 motorway is reachable in 12 minutes. Your car is dirty? You can find a car wash ("Bass River Car Wash") in the area in less than 13 minutes.
For the everyday needs, you will find in the surroundings: a police station ("Yarmouth Police Department" at 10 minutes by car), a post office ("Hyannis Post Office" at 26 minutes with a bike), a hotel ("Ocean View Motel" at 5 minutes by car), sport ("Hyannisport Club" at 1 minute away by bike), a town hall ("Barnstable Town Hall" at 13 minutes with a bike), a bank and/or an ATM ("TD Bank" at 6 minutes with your car), a fire station ("Fire Hall Number 3" at 8 minutes by car), a park ("Steve & Sues Par Tee Freeze" at 30 minutes by foot).
Barnstable is only 10 minutes away by car.
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