In term of schools you can find 3 location in the region (like "Penikese Island School", "Periwinkle Club", "Woods Hole School"). In term of universities you can find 58 places (like "WHOI - Bowen House", "WHOI - Swift House").
For post offices you have 1 places with "Woods Hole Post Office" for example. About sport places, 2 possibilities exist (like "Woods Hole Golf Club", "McKee Ballfield"). The area offers 3 spots in the "hotels" category. For parks you have 26 locations. As "Woods Hole Fire Station", 1 fire stations exist in the area.
For tourism places you have 13 locations.
In term of parkings you can find 20 location in the region (like "MBL Parking", "WHOI Challenger Lot"). For charging stations you have 4 places with "School St Lot 7 and 8", "Swope Parking Lot", "NOAA" for example.
About supermarkets, 1 possibilities exist (like "Woods Hole Market").
These are the principal streets: Water Street, School Street, Challenger Drive, Winding Lane, Woods Hole Road.
As "Jimmy's", "Woods Hole Wharf", 9 restaurants exist in the area. You can find 3 bars/cafes locally like "Coffee Obsession", "Pie In The Sky", "Quicks Hole Tavern" In term of ice cream vendors you can find 1 location in the region (like "Candy Go Nuts").
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