C Street 208, 64748 Golden City: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 37.39593 / longitude: -94.08959
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C Street, in the surrounding area

Shopping around C Street 208

There is a supermarket nearby: "Dollar General" (6 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car).

Nearby cities in Golden City

It takes about 53 minutes to reach Joplin with your car.


In less than 1 minute, you can find a gas station ("Casey's General Store") to fill up your gas tank.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Gas station
  • 1 Supermarket

Closest areas



  • Casey's General Store
    0 seconds


  • Dollar General
    39 seconds


  • Dollar General
    1 minute and 40 seconds


  • Dollar General
    6 minutes

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