Gulf Street, 64759 Lamar: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 37.498 / longitude: -94.27731
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In the surrounding area

Daily life around Gulf Street

For your daily needs, you can find in the area: sport ("Jeremy's Creek" at 15 minutes away by bike), a hotel ("Super 8 by Wyndham Lamar" at 30 minutes walk).

Entertainment in Lamar

As far as catering and entertainment is concerned, you will find: a cinema ("Plaza Theatre" at 3 minutes away by bike), a restaurant ("Caps Cabin" at 1 minute by car).


The area offers multiple medical services: a pharmacy ("Med Station" at 28 minutes by foot), a hospital ("Barton County Memorial Hospital" at 12 minutes with a bike).


Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Plaza Theatre" at 1 minute with your car.

Nearby cities

It takes about 46 minutes to reach Joplin with your car.


You only need 3 minutes to reach the motorway I 49;US 71.


You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Walmart Supercenter" (11 minutes by bike or 4 minutes by car).


If you are looking for a school, "Ledbetter School" it is 3 minutes away by car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Hospital
  • 2 Cinemas
  • 2 Hotels
  • 1 Pharmacy
  • 1 Sport place
  • 1 Supermarket
  • 10 Restaurants
  • 14 Schools
  • 14 Motorway entrances
  • 2 Tourism places

Closest areas



  • Ledbetter School
    3 minutes


  • I 49;US 71
    2 minutes and 55 seconds


  • Walmart Supercenter
    4 minutes


  • Plaza Theatre
    1 minute and 15 seconds
  • Caps Cabin
    44 seconds

Daily life

  • Jeremy's Creek
    4 minutes
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Lamar
    2 minutes and 59 seconds


  • Med Station
    2 minutes and 53 seconds
  • Barton County Memorial Hospital
    6 minutes


  • Plaza Theatre
    1 minute and 15 seconds


  • Ledbetter School
    11 minutes


  • Walmart Supercenter
    11 minutes


  • Plaza Theatre
    2 minutes and 37 seconds
  • Caps Cabin
    4 minutes

Daily life

  • Jeremy's Creek
    15 minutes
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Lamar
    10 minutes


  • Med Station
    9 minutes
  • Barton County Memorial Hospital
    12 minutes


  • Plaza Theatre
    2 minutes and 37 seconds


  • Plaza Theatre
    7 minutes
  • Caps Cabin
    6 minutes

Daily life

  • Super 8 by Wyndham Lamar
    30 minutes


  • Med Station
    28 minutes


  • Plaza Theatre
    7 minutes

Street numbers

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