You can find 2 bars/cafes locally like "Quoffer's Pub", "Regulators Sports Bar & Grill" In term of restaurants you can find 22 location in the region (like "Daniel's Burgers", "Crosstown Bar-B-Que").
In term of car washes you can find 2 places (like "Good Guys Auto Spa", "H-E-B Car Wash"). For gas stations you have 13 places with "Shell", "Chevron", "Exxon" for example.
You can find 4 banks and/or ATMs locally like "Frontier Bank of Elgin", "First National Bank of Bastrop", "First State Bank" In term of hotels you can find 3 location in the region (like "Sunset Lodge", "Quality Inn & Suites", "Holiday Inn Express & Suites"). In term of parks you can find 4 places (like "Elgin Memorial Park", "Veteran's Memorial Park", "Morris Memorial Park"). About police stations, 1 possibilities exist (like "Elgin Police Department"). For fire stations you have 1 locations. As "Morris Memorial Pool", 1 sport places exist in the area.
As "Elgin High School", "Booker T Washington Elementary School", 7 schools exist in the area.
The following are the major streets: Gettysburg Loop, Vicksburg Loop, West Us Highway 290, Mcclendon Drive, Loesch Drive.
About veterinarians, 2 possibilities exist (like "Elgin Family Pet Center", "Elgin Veterinary Hospital"). The area offers 1 spots in the "doctors" category. For dentists you have 2 locations. As "H-E-B Pharmacy", 1 pharmacies exist in the area.
You can find 2 tourism places locally like "Elgin Recreation Center", "Elgin Depot Museum"
The area offers 12 spots in the "supermarkets" category.
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