You can find 1 bakeries locally like "Touch of Velvet Bakery" In term of supermarkets you can find 4 places (like "CVS Pharmacy", "Grocery Outlet").
As "Anderson Bayou", "Audience of One Dance Studio", 2 tourism places exist in the area.
The area offers 1 spots in the "schools" category.
For bars/cafes you have 2 places with "Wild Root", "Blue Moon Bar and Grill" for example. About restaurants, 5 possibilities exist (like "Victoria's Last Bite", "Domino's", "Po Folks").
For pharmacies you have 1 places with "Adam's Pharmacy" for example. About dentists, 3 possibilities exist (like "Ideal Dentistry", "William H Hargraves Family Dentistry"). The area offers 3 spots in the "doctors" category.
The area offers 3 spots in the "parks" category. As "Lynn Haven City Hall", 1 town halls exist in the area. You can find 2 banks and/or ATMs locally like "PeoplesSouth Bank", "Bay Credit Union" In term of fire stations you can find 1 places (like "Lynn Haven Fire Department").
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