Pajaro Road 11, 87031 Los Lunas: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 34.80276 / longitude: -106.5807
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Pajaro Road, in the surrounding area

Daily life around Pajaro Road 11

For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a fire station ("Meadowlake Fire Department" at 12 minutes with a bike), a park ("Cypress Estates Park" at 10 minutes by car).

Nearby cities in Los Lunas

In 36 minutes you can reach South Valley. Rio Rancho is 57 minutes away by car. It takes about 39 minutes to reach Albuquerque with your car.


The surroundings offer tourist interests: "El Cerro Community Center" at 17 minutes with your car.


Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("T T & J Quick Stop") is only 12 minutes’ drive away.


There is a supermarket nearby: "Family Dollar" (11 minutes by bike or 4 minutes by car).


The closest school is named "Los Lunas School Eastside Transportation" and is 9 minutes' away by car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 5 Schools
  • 1 Park
  • 1 Gas station
  • 3 Fire stations
  • 1 Tourism place
  • 5 Supermarkets

Closest areas



  • Los Lunas School Eastside Transportation
    9 minutes


  • T T & J Quick Stop
    12 minutes


  • Family Dollar
    4 minutes

Daily life

  • Meadowlake Fire Department
    4 minutes
  • Cypress Estates Park
    10 minutes


  • El Cerro Community Center
    17 minutes


  • Family Dollar
    11 minutes

Daily life

  • Meadowlake Fire Department
    12 minutes

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