The main streets are the following: Sarandí, Román Guerra, Ventura Alegre, Rincón, San Carlos.
You can find 7 dentists locally like "Cabrera", "Consultorios Rincón" In term of doctors you can find 3 location in the region (like "La Asistencial", "Consultorio Médico Integral Espacio Mujer"). For veterinarians you have 19 places with "Veterinaria Sienra", "Veterinaria Maldonado" for example. About hospitals, 28 possibilities exist (like "Policlínica", "Centro de Rehabilitación Física", "Centro de control para Diabéticos "). For pharmacies you have 38 locations.
As "Agencia Central (DAC)", "Tiempost", 6 post offices exist in the area. You can find 11 police stations locally like "Seccional 6ta - Policia", "Policia Caminera", "Policia de Tránsito" In term of parks you can find 35 location in the region (like "Parque Juan Zorrilla de San Martín", "Plaza Uruguay Celeste"). For hotels you have 48 places with "Sisai Hotel Boutique", "Apart Hotel Punta del Sol", "Hotel Y Posada La Chihuahua" for example. About banks and/or ATMs, 15 possibilities exist (like "Bandes", "República", "Scotiabank"). The area offers 1 spots in the "fire stations" category. For sport places you have 75 locations. As "Intendencia Departamental de Maldonado", "Alcaldía de Pan de Azucar", "Alcaldía de Maldonado", 6 town halls exist in the area.
For cinemas you have 1 places with "Cine Cantegril" for example. About restaurants, 96 possibilities exist (like "La Pasiva", "Céfiro Restaurant", "La Masa"). The area offers 27 spots in the "bars/cafes" category. For ice cream vendors you have 7 locations.
In term of tourism places you can find 67 location in the region (like "Cuartel de Dragones", "Casa de La Cultura").
About supermarkets, 126 possibilities exist (like "El Dorado _ Camino Velazquez", "Ta Ta"). The area offers 32 spots in the "butchers" category. For bakeries you have 30 locations.
As "MB Autolavado", "Ancap Roosevelt y Michellini", "Lavadero El Rey", 10 car washes exist in the area. You can find 3 gas stations locally like "Servicentro Maldonado", "Servicentro Las Delicias" In term of airports you can find 1 location in the region (like "Capitan Corbeta C A Curbelo International Airport"). In term of car renting you can find 1 places (like "Diamante"). For parkings you have 31 places with "Estacionamiento Devoto", "El Dorado", "IDM Tránsito" for example.
About schools, 71 possibilities exist (like "Colegio Maldonado", "Instituto Latinoamericano"). The area offers 4 spots in the "playgrounds" category. For nurseries you have 3 locations. As "CERP del ESTE", "Centro Latinoamericano de Economía Humana", 8 universities exist in the area.
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