As "Barrodomo", "Forno’s", 2 restaurants exist in the area.
As "Posada "El Errante"", "Hotel Crown", 2 hotels exist in the area. You can find 1 town halls locally like "Intendencia de Cerro Largo" In term of sport places you can find 7 location in the region (like "Estadio Salesiano", "Club Atlético Conventos", "Estadio Auxiliar"). In term of parks you can find 26 places (like "Plazoleta America Latina", "Parque Rotonda", "Parque Av. Brasil"). About banks and/or ATMs, 4 possibilities exist (like "ATM", "Scotiabank", "Santander"). The area offers 3 spots in the "police stations" category.
These are the principal streets: Aparicio Saravia, General Justino Muniz, Treinta Y Tres, 18 De Julio, Doctor Luis Alberto De Herrera.
You can find 1 hospitals locally like "CAMCEL"
For schools you have 10 locations.
In term of tourism places you can find 4 location in the region (like "Teatro de Verano", "Museo de Historia", "Centro Comercial e Induatrial de Cerro Largo").
For supermarkets you have 5 locations.
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