People from this country speak these languages: Arabic. The area of the country is 527,968 km², a postcode system isn't employed and the main cities are: صنعاء, صنعاء،, تعز, Yemen, عمران. This nation's capital is Sana'a and the country shares a border with Oman, Saudi Arabia.
The currency symbol is ﷼, and the ISO code for that currency is YER.
Well known national dishes are: Saltah. There are UNESCO listed sites: Old Walled City of Shibam, Old City of Sana'a, Historic Town of Zabid, Socotra Archipelago.
There are 27,478,000 people here, or 0.37% of the world's population.
The domain name ".ye" is used by the country's websites, the country's ISO code is YE, telephone numbers begin with +967 Check out for more information about this nation.