Wellen 3830

Addresses in Wellen (Tongeren / Tongres) where 7,372 inhabitants are distributed over 26.8 km² with slightly more men (50.1%) than women in this municipality. The inhabitants are mostly owners (84%) from their homes, they have an average age close to 44 years and their average income is 19,346€ net per year. The households own about 1.4 cars is higher than the Belgian average (1.3).

Here is an overview of the most common nationalities:
- 97.8% Belgium
- 0.7% Netherlands
- 0.3% Poland
- 0.1% Italy
- 0.1% Spain
- 0.1% Germany
- 0.1% Philippines
- 0.7% Other

In Wellen, the first names you will hear the most in women are Marie, Maria, Marleen, Els and Linda and for men you will regularly come across Joseph, Jean, Patrick, Peter and Luc.

The average number of rooms in Wellen is about 6.2 and is therefore above the average in Belgium (6). In terms of the age of the buildings, the average is around 1963 with this distribution: 87.9% houses and 12.1% apartment buildings.

The breakdown by type of building is as follows:
- 52.9% open type houses, farms, castles
- 29.1% semi-closed type houses
- 11.8% buildings and flat blocks
- 3.6% houses of the closed type
- 1.9% commercial houses
- 0.7% other types of buildings

The municipality of Wellen has different companies on its territory, here are the most common areas:
- 44 corporations in the field "growing of pome fruits and stone fruits"
- 43 corporations in the field "hairdressing and other beauty treatment"
- 26 companies active in "business and other management consultancy activities"
- 24 firms active in "restaurants and mobile food service activities"
- 22 companies present in "construction of residential and non-residential buildings"
- 20 corporations in the field "activities of head offices"

In Wellen, you are close to an access to the highway A13 / E313 (Antwerpen - Hasselt - Liège): you will be there in 11 minutes from the centre of Wellen. An access to the highway A3 / E25 - E40 - E42 (Brussels - Leuven - Liège - Eupen - (Aachen, Germany)) can also be reached in 21 minutes.

In Wellen, you will also have access to these main roads:
- N754
- N767
- N777

If you have children or are planning to have children, you should know that the commune has 2 nurseries (for example: the nursery "Kinderdagverblijf De Hartediefjes" or also "Het Appeltje"), 3 nursery schools ("Vrije Basisschool - De Bron" or "Vrije Basis- School - 'T Laantje"), 3 primary schools (e.g. school "Vrije Basisschool - De Bron" or "Go! Next Basisschool De Eik") but no secondary school.

5 lines of bus passing through Wellen, here is an overview of the possibilities:
- Bus De Lijn, Line 23a: Sint-Truiden - Tongeren
- Bus De Lijn, Line 3: Hasselt - Wellen - Borgloon - Heers
- Bus De Lijn, Line 38: Hasselt - Kortessem - Borgloon - Heers
- Bus De Lijn, Line 700: Belbus Alken - Wellen
- Bus De Lijn, Line 709: Belbus Borgloon - Wellen

The nearest stations to the centre of the town are "Alken", "Diepenbeek", "Hasselt", "Tongern / Tongres / Tongeren", "Sint-Truiden / Saint-Trond".

There is no known charging station in the municipality.

The nearest airport is "Liège Airport" and is 33 minutes away by car or 128 minutes by public transport.

We are not aware of the existence of shared bicycles in this commune. Wellen does not offer shared cars.

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New addresses: Belgium