For tourism places you have 13 locations.
In term of doctors you can find 1 location in the region (like "Goolwa Medical Centre"). In term of hospitals you can find 1 places (like "Goolwa Ambulance Station"). For pharmacies you have 1 places with "Priceline Pharmacy" for example.
In term of bars/cafes you can find 19 location in the region (like "Middleton Tavern", "Hectors Cafe"). In term of restaurants you can find 3 places (like "Riverview Deli", "Sails at Clayton Bay").
The area offers 2 spots in the "charging stations" category. For gas stations you have 4 locations. As "Goolwa", "Strathalbyn", "Middleton", 6 train stations exist in the area. You can find 4 parkings locally like "Goolwa Beach", "Basham's Beach", "Alexandrina Council Carpark"
The main cities are the following: Goolwa, Mount Jagged, Port Elliot.
As "Port Elliot Primary School", "Strathalbyn High School", "Meadows Primary School", 6 schools exist in the area.
For bakeries you have 4 places with "Meadows Bakery & Tearooms", "PIKAPIE" for example. The area offers 3 spots in the "supermarkets" category.
For parks you have 26 locations. As "ANZ", "Bank SA", 2 banks and/or ATMs exist in the area. You can find 7 fire stations locally like "Currency Creek CFS", "Port Elliot CFS", "Macclesfield C.F.S." In term of police stations you can find 1 location in the region (like "Goolwa Police Station"). In term of hotels you can find 6 places (like "Helga's Hideaway", "Strath Motel"). About sport places, 14 possibilities exist (like "Port Elliot Oval", "Strathalbyn Tennis Club").
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