You can find 128 bus locally like "17 Huntsbury to Bryndwr", "44 Shirley to Westmorland", "17 Bryndwr to Huntsbury" In term of motorway entrances you can find 18 places (like "SH 76;R", "SH 76"). For airports you have 1 places with "Christchurch International" for example. The area offers 110 spots in the "parkings" category. As "Z", "BP 2GO Mairehau", 87 gas stations exist in the area. You can find 1 train stations locally like "Christchurch" In term of charging stations you can find 21 location in the region (like "Christchurch Botanic Gardens", "Northwood Supa Centa", "Christchurch Adventure Park"). In term of car renting you can find 34 places (like "Wilderness RV", "THL"). For bike rentals you have 1 places with "Natural High" for example. About car washes, 17 possibilities exist (like "Straddle Carrier Wash Bay", "Z Car Wash").
About restaurants, 689 possibilities exist (like "BurgerFuel", "Burger King", "Samurai Sushi"). The area offers 10 spots in the "ice cream vendors" category. For bars/cafes you have 338 locations. As "Hollywood 3 Cinema", "Hoyts Riccarton", "Academy Gold Cinema", 10 cinemas exist in the area.
For fire stations you have 12 locations. As "Lyttelton Community Police Station", "Airport Police Station", "Christchurch Central Police Station", 7 police stations exist in the area. You can find 107 hotels locally like "Bellagio Motel", "Quest on Manchester", "239 on Lincoln Motel" In term of town halls you can find 1 places (like "Christchurch City Council"). For sport places you have 169 places with "Bowls Canterbury", "Lyttelton Recreation Centre" for example. About parks, 848 possibilities exist (like "Pensacola Reserve", "Gloaming Reserve"). The area offers 18 spots in the "post offices" category. For banks and/or ATMs you have 87 locations.
For hospitals you have 47 locations. You can find 41 doctors locally like "Barrington Medical Centre", "Roimata Medical Centre", "Ferry Road Medical Centre" In term of dentists you can find 29 location in the region (like "Loxo Dental", "Ilam Dental Centre"). For pharmacies you have 55 places with "Health Works Pharmacy", "Chemist Warehouse" for example. The area offers 18 spots in the "veterinarians" category.
You can find 57 universities locally like "Music Bunker", "Dovedale Campus", "John Britten" In term of playgrounds you can find 28 places (like "St James Park Play area", "Bromley Old School Playground"). About schools, 339 possibilities exist (like "Te Waka Unua School", "Hare Memorial Library (Big School)", "Rooms 5 & 6"). The area offers 59 spots in the "nurseries" category.
The major streets are the following: Colombo Street, Gloucester Street, Worcester Street, Hereford Street, Ferry Road.
As "185 Empty Chairs", "Dahlias", 226 tourism places exist in the area.
You can find 238 supermarkets locally like "Countdown", "New World" In term of butchers you can find 22 location in the region (like "Mad Butcher", "Westmeat", "Hornyak Smallgoods"). For bakeries you have 50 places with "Aorangi Bakery", "Bakers Delight" for example.
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