The major streets are the following: York Street, Labouchere Road, Hensman Street, Forrest Street, Baron Hay Court.
In term of sport places you can find 2 location in the region (like "Morris Mundy Reserve", "Ernest Johnson Oval"). For parks you have 2 places with "David Vincent Reserve", "Moresby Street Reserve" for example. About post offices, 1 possibilities exist (like "Australia Post").
As "Wesley College", "Saint Columba’s Catholic Primary School", 4 schools exist in the area. You can find 2 playgrounds locally like "Morris Mundy Reserve", "David Vincent Reserve"
For pharmacies you have 1 locations. You can find 2 hospitals locally like "Southern Clinic", "Perth Radiological Clinic"
For restaurants you have 1 places with "Ciao Italia" for example. About bars/cafes, 5 possibilities exist (like "The Como Hotel", "Hoopla Espresso", "Millpoint Bookshop Caffe").
In term of supermarkets you can find 1 places (like "Coles South Perth").
For tourism places you have 1 locations.
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