Bolivia: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: -16.28361 / longitude: -63.549

General information


People from this country speak these languages: Aymara, Guarani, Quechua, Spanish. Sucre serves as this nation's capital and the country shares a border with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru. The area of the country is 1,098,581 km², a postcode system isn't employed and the main cities are: Cochabamba, Municipio Santa Cruz De La Sierra, Municipio Nuestra Señora De La Paz, Santa Cruz De La Sierra, La Paz.


On average citizens spend 15 years in school (including higher education).


There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: City of Potosí, Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos, Historic City of Sucre, Tiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture, Fuerte de Samaipata. Here is a list of famous dishes in this country: Salteñas.


The sign for the local currency is $b (BOB). In 2021 the GDP was $40,408,208,528 USD, placing it at position 88 in the market.


Around 10,985,059 people live in this country, or 0.15% of all people on earth.

Good to know

Check out for more information about this nation. Telephone numbers begin with +591, the country's websites have the domain name ".bo", the ISO code is BO


ISO code BO
Capital Sucre
Population 10,985,059
World percentage 0.15%
Main cities
Spoken languages Aymara, Guarani, Quechua, Spanish
GDP (2021) $40,408,208,528
GDP position #88
Currency code BOB
Currency symbol $b
School life expectancy 15 years
National dish Salteñas
TLD .bo
Phone prefix +591
