As "AUB soccer green field", "École d'Équitation de Mont La Salle", 30 sport places exist in the area. You can find 12 police stations locally like "Baydoun Police Station", "شرطة", "مخفر حبيش" In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 178 places (like "Fenicia", "البنك اللبناني الفرنسي"). For hotels you have 101 places with "فندق موفنبيك", "فندق فور سيزنس" for example. About post offices, 11 possibilities exist (like "aramex", "دي إيتش أل", "ليبان بوست"). The area offers 35 spots in the "parks" category. For fire stations you have 3 locations. As "بلدية فرن الشباك", "بلدية سن الفيل", "بلدية الجديدة", 9 town halls exist in the area.
For car washes you have 4 places with "Chaiban", "car dealership", "Autoshine" for example. The area offers 31 spots in the "parkings" category. For bike rentals you have 2 locations. As "prince car", "Formula Rent a car", 13 car renting exist in the area. In term of bus you can find 12 location in the region (like "", "5'"). In term of motorway entrances you can find 119 places (like "M51", "M301", "M30"). For gas stations you have 116 places with "لاليبكو", "Malapco" for example.
As "Healthy Basket", "سوبرماركت لو مون فير", 167 supermarkets exist in the area. In term of bakeries you can find 94 location in the region (like "كساب", "Pain do roi bakery", "La Boulangère Bio"). In term of butchers you can find 15 places (like "ملحمة Delices", "mallah").
For cinemas you have 9 places with "سلوى", "Empire Metropolis" for example. About restaurants, 457 possibilities exist (like "Crew Hut", "Butcher's"). The area offers 14 spots in the "ice cream vendors" category. For bars/cafes you have 247 locations.
These are the principal streets: شارع مدرسة السلام, شارع غورو, شارع عمر بن عبد العزيز, شارع روما, شارع ألفريد نقاش.
In term of tourism places you can find 143 location in the region (like "DecoRay", "قنطرة عين المريسة").
About pharmacies, 300 possibilities exist (like "الوها", "الليلى", "لونا"). The area offers 57 spots in the "hospitals" category. As "AUBMC Doctors", "Dr Nayla Matar Zein", 10 doctors exist in the area. You can find 5 dentists locally like "شركة برودانت", "الدكتور خالد محمّد بركات", "Mirna Khayat"
In term of universities you can find 91 places (like "مدرسة الحكمة", "Shannon Hall", "ALBA (UoB)"). For nurseries you have 6 places with "M & H Arslanian Djemaran Elementary School", "Santa Garderie", "المدرسة الأرمينية الأربعين شهيد" for example. The area offers 121 spots in the "schools" category. For playgrounds you have 3 locations.
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