Central African Republic: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 6.60852 / longitude: 20.93481

General information


The area of the country is 622,984 km², a postcode system isn't employed and the main cities are: Bangui, Bayanga, Garoua-Boulaï. This nation's capital is Bangui and the country shares a border with Cameroon, Chad, DR Congo, Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Sudan. The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: French, Sango.


In 2021 the GDP was $2,516,498,299 USD, which ranks it number 157 in the world. The local currency (XAF) is represented by the symbol FCFA.


The median age of the population is 19.50 years with a birth growth rate of 2.33%. Around 4,998,000 people live in this country, or 0.067% of all people on earth.


There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park.


The average length of time residents spend in school is 11 years (including tertiary education).

Good to know

Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_African_Republic to learn more about this nation. Telephone numbers begin with +236, the country's websites have the domain name ".cf", the ISO code is CF


ISO code CF
Capital Bangui
Population 4,998,000
World percentage 0.067%
Median age 19.50 years
Population growth rate 2.33%
Main cities
Spoken languages French, Sango
GDP (2021) $2,516,498,299
GDP position #157
Currency code XAF
Currency symbol FCFA
School life expectancy 11 years
TLD .cf
Phone prefix +236
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_African_Republic