Palestine: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 31.88614 / longitude: 34.82145

General information


The local currency (ILS) is represented by the symbol ₪. In 2021 the GDP was $18,036,800,000 USD, which ranks it number 112 in the world.


33.90 years is the median age in this country and the birth growth rate is at 0.39%. This country represents 0.065% of the world's population with about 4,816,503 individuals.


The average length of time residents spend in school is 17 years (including tertiary education). This country offers several reputable universities like An-Najah National University.


There are UNESCO listed sites in this country: Birthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem, Palestine: Land of Olives and Vines – Cultural Landscape of Southern Jerusalem, Battir. Example of famous dishes in this country: Arab salad, Falafel, Mujaddara, Musakhan, Hummus with tahini.


The inhabitants speak the following languages: Arabic. 6,220 km² make up the entire country, a postcode system is employed and the key cities are: بلدية غزة, رام الله, الخليل, ירושלים, Jerusalem. The capital of this country is Ramallah and the country has a border with Israel, Egypt, Jordan.

Good to know

The domain name ".ps" is used by the country's websites, telephone numbers begin with +970, the ISO code is PS Visit to learn more about this nation.


ISO code PS
Capital Ramallah
Population 4,816,503
World percentage 0.065%
Median age 33.90 years
Population growth rate 0.39%
Main cities
Spoken languages Arabic
GDP (2021) $18,036,800,000
GDP position #112
Currency code ILS
Currency symbol
School life expectancy 17 years
National dish Arab salad, Falafel, Mujaddara, Musakhan, Hummus with tahini
TLD .ps
Phone prefix +970